About me


I was born in Milan (Italy), in 1986. After high-school I enrolled in the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, a once-famous art school in Milan. Five months later I discovered the existence of mirror neurons: In that very moment I chose that I wanted to became a neuroscientist.

I immediately left the Accademia, and that same September I started to study Cognitive Neuroscience at San Raffaele University, in Milan. While doing a research internship focused on the analysis of EEG data, I got deeply fascinated by network science and the power of computational simulations. Therefore, I enrolled to a PhD degree in Computational Neuroscience under the supervision of Gustavo Deco, in Barcelona (Spain), where I lived for almost 6 years before moving to Paris (France).

I am a Data Scientist working in the MedTech industry, where I am responsible of design, implementation and test of algorithms that will be used in production to aid patients and doctors.

During these years I developed a sound knowledge and an instinct for analyzing, interpreting and leveraging complex and multi-dimensional data from different physiological sources (EEG, fMRI, LFP, Calcium Imaging) and origins (humans, rodents, fish) using advanced statistics, machine learning, simulations, network theory and custom-built algorithms.

On the side, I am one of the founders of #ScienzaInParlamento, an independent initiative to promote the institution of a permanent Office of Scientific & Technological Advise for the Italian Parliament, to support the adoption of evidence-based policy-making.

By the end of October 2020, during the second COVID-19 lockdown issued by the French Government, I collaborated in the creation and development of Radio Lockdown, a Paris-based web radio targeted to the Italian community abroad, for which I
developed the software used to web scrape and quantify online listeners in real time, a quick classification method to segment the recorded audio podcast into speech / song intervals, some visualization tools as well as an automated funny and irreverent horoscope, the "Auto-Oroscopo".

I also collaborate as Science Mentor for the scientific journal "Frontiers For Young Minds". My task there is to teach and support 8-15 years old children to critically appraise and peer-review scientific articles based on current research in neuroscience, to help them develop their critical thinking and knowledge of the scientific method.

